The Secret Life of a Stay at Home Mom Who Likes to do Anything but Stay at Home...

A blog about my life as a 24 year old, married mom of a 32 month old daughter. I like to do fun, exciting, unusual, educational activities with my family... I especially like when I can pull it off on the cheap. I'm interested in politics and whats going on in the world. I'm also on a never-ending quest for my undergraduate degree, only a year away from my B.S. in Biology, finally.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Will he make it?

I stumbled across this question while trolling the internet for ways to elevate my blood pressure...

What happens if McCain, God forbid, doesn't make it to Election Day?
What would we do? Who would run for our Republican President? Would it be Palin for president? I'm not wishing anything bad, but in light of his age and health issues this just occurred to me.

An open answer to the concerned citizen and his supporters at large:

If its questionable whether he'll "make it to election day" why would you vote for his four year term? And if he did shuffle off the mortal coil during his presidency, we would have Palin as our leader???!!! The absolute horror, a person with a 2 year old passport, a hatred for sex education, the environment, women's rights, gay rights, free speech and her native Alaskan people. She seems qualified for the position.
P.S. I thought one of McCain's biggest issue (smear) with Obama was his supposed inexperience. People should see the Palin pick for what it is, a transparent attempt to not only match Obama's history-making nomination but to also snap up the Hilary supporters who were strictly in it for the estrogen.

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